Allie was hard at it trying to really master her instrument while her hard ass piano instructor was breathing down her neck. No matter what she did, she just could not get this one part right and that frustrated the hell out of her teacher. She made the grave mistake of talking back and giving her teacher Tanya some attitude. In a fit of stress and rage she grabbed Allie and started to spank her on her bare ass. Tanya had pretty much had enough of all the smart Alec comments and continued to discipline her. Little did she know Allie actually liked the rough horseplay and when Tanya noticed they both decided to step it up. Tanya decided she can teach her how to use her fingers using other, more interesting methods. As Allie was eating out her teacher, her boyfriend Logan stormed in on them and blackmailed them both into letting him join in on the festivities.
Story published 3-01-2013, 13:08, viewed 2275 times and 0 comments left.

It's officially 2013, and if your New Year's resolution involves watching high quality porn in full HD, then you're in the right place. Until now, you might've been satisfied watching those grainy videos that look like they were filmed in the 1980s, but this is 2013 and unless you're still rocking a VHS player on your TV, then you're probably used to seeing everything in HD. So, why should your porn be any different? Just check out this update featuring Sweet Valentina. The quality is so crystal clear that you can count the pores on her incredible thighs. The only way this would look better is if you were actually in the room while it was being filmed. Don't blame us if you attempt to lick the screen while you watch
Story published 3-01-2013, 12:36, viewed 2366 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-01-2013, 18:07, viewed 1565 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-01-2013, 17:34, viewed 1869 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-01-2013, 16:43, viewed 1993 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-01-2013, 16:10, viewed 2783 times and 0 comments left.

Clever girl, she wants to become a doctor in medicine. She now got the fuck of her life and she got taught were babies come from.
Story published 2-01-2013, 15:26, viewed 2460 times and 0 comments left.

This girl has such kinky eyes, this kind of girls are dangerous in bed. After flirting around she takes the cock for blowjob and deepthroat. Than sucking nuts. I teased her first and didnt let her fuck me. She got that wild and put the dick into her hot pussy, it turned out into a nasty wild fuck with slapping her face and ass hard ending with orgasm and a tasty cumload on her orgasmic pussy.
Story published 2-01-2013, 15:18, viewed 2646 times and 0 comments left.

Chastity Lynn, a bat, a 2ft long dildo and Chris Strokes massive dick! This is one insane Mr.Anal update! Chastity went all in on this one. First she shoved a dildo in her ass. Then a pink bat and then took an anal pounding from Chris. He definitely had that ass-hole gaped. He fucked her hard from different positions. Chastity Lynn put on a great show. Come and see for yourself. Enjoy!
Story published 2-01-2013, 11:29, viewed 2812 times and 0 comments left.

Klaudia Hot name speaks for itself. She's hot. Klaudia has huge tits, a sweet pussy and an ass made for fucking. She gets the lights fucked out of her. This is how lov-making should be at all times. Pure pussy pounding Enjoy!
Story published 2-01-2013, 11:21, viewed 2633 times and 0 comments left.