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back 1 ... 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 ... 943forward - Tina Hot - From book-worm to whore!

Judging from my bulging post bag, it would seem that members were most impressed at Tina's first steps into that domain of brazen filth and depravity known as porn! That domain, nay, fortress guarded by the Devil himself! Yes, Tina passed with flying colours and only then did she share her darkest secret, "Make me dress up and act like a complete whore and then bend me over and take me, please Mr Jim!" Well, my brethren, I am not ashamed to admit that I stumbled back in horror at this brazen request by this young slip of a girl, to don the shameful vestments of sin, favoured by street girls throughout the World! This disgusting, tempting clothing or should I refer to them as, "The braids of Beelzebub?" Thigh length boo...
Story published 8-08-2014, 12:13, viewed 1876 times and 0 comments left. - Alexis - Babe alert!

This week we have the gorgeous babe, Alexis, wearer of the tightest and most clingy leggings that are possible to purchase. Leggings that should be be banned on the basis of being, "Weapons of mass DESTRACTION!" They just cling in all the right places and when Alexis arrived for a casting I was pretty sure she would pass, even before she stuffed my dick down her throat! Alexis had been holding down a job as, "Resident ghost/ghoul" on a ghost train in a funfair, until one fateful day, when whilst leaping out in from of one of the speeding carriages of terrfied holiday folk, she tripped and fell under the tracks! She was rushed to hospital dressed as a ghoul and continued to terrify the staff there as well, with doctors and nurses f...
Story published 8-08-2014, 11:41, viewed 1905 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Pornostars (Autor: admin)| - Cathy Heaven - Cathy Heaven gets Anal Sex
Story published 8-08-2014, 09:59, viewed 2013 times and 0 comments left. - Kiara - Double The Fun
Story published 7-08-2014, 20:46, viewed 2511 times and 0 comments left.
Pornostars (Autor: admin) - Connie Carter - Slippery Sweet
Story published 7-08-2014, 20:02, viewed 1685 times and 0 comments left. - Valentina Ross, Susan Ayn - Fist The Fuck Out Of Those Pussies Until You See The "O" Face!
Story published 7-08-2014, 19:26, viewed 2371 times and 0 comments left.| - Patricia Dream - Double Penetration in the Jail
Story published 7-08-2014, 14:23, viewed 1904 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Pornostars (Autor: admin)| - Cofia Gucci - Anal Time with Cofia Gucci
Story published 6-08-2014, 13:52, viewed 1796 times and 0 comments left. - Anita Bellini - 0% pussy
Story published 2-08-2014, 18:54, viewed 2181 times and 0 comments left.
Pornostars (Autor: admin) - Trinity St. Claire - Can We Make This Fast
Story published 2-08-2014, 16:00, viewed 1712 times and 0 comments left.
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