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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Pest

She has got a nice tattoo on her left tit and other one on her belly. Tattoos look good on Pest, cos she has got a fucking great figure, and if she can ever get the large fish tattoo on her back finished, it will come alive, each time she moves, the fish will sliver across her back. I think it a fish. Does not really matter, it is not finished, and Pest ran out of money to pay the tattoo artist. She did offer him sex to finish it, and so she gave him a good blow job, then he told her to fuck off and get him some money. So now she wants me to pay for it. Well I am quite pleased to fuck her, gorgeous little thing. I will even pay for her dinner, but I am afraid I don't go as far as artwork. Nice small tits but a right pest. Engrave the video.
Story published 2-01-2014, 13:22, viewed 3086 times and 0 comments left.