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Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Yupin

Yupin works in the furniture store, she sits in the window display on one of the sofa sets. She looks good sat on a sofa and sales are up. She does not have to do much, just look good, which is pretty good as she ain't to good at anything. So I thought I would take it one step further. I fucked her on the sofa. Do you want to buy the sofa now? Do you want a three piece suite? Now, we did not do it in the furniture store window. Not that Yupin was not willing, she will do it anywhere. Test the springs on the video.
Story published 29-01-2014, 20:43, viewed 2665 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Wanton

Wanton used to collect the fares on the city bus. The bus would cruise around at break neck speed, or be stuck in traffic for hours on end, but it was always full of city crowds going to and from work, home, shopping centers and pubs. Packed, hot and sweaty. People hanging off the sides. Every seat taken and the isle jammed solid. And Wanton had to collect the miniscule fair off of each and every person. She squeezed through every gap in the isle, slid her hands between the seats, collected coins and handed out postage stamp sized tickets. Thousands of people, millions, billions, blurring her vision, all wanting to go somewhere in the cramped death trap. She could not make out any of them, all she knew was that she had to slide and slither between all the bodies to make her way from one end of the bus to the other collecting fairs. And all the while, her body was being pressed between a myriad of anonymous and perspiring commuters. None of this worried Wanton. She actually enjoyed it, but it paid very badly. Now she fucks for fun and a living, enjoys the close quarters of a perspiring anonymous customer, and revels in sperm. Watch the video, watch the camel toe.
Story published 16-01-2014, 17:02, viewed 2621 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Nadiya

I saw Nadiya on the street corner touching herself, gently brushing one hand over her pubic mound prominent in her tight black leggings, and the other hand teasing her own nipple peaking though her small blue vest. The city crowd just passed her by unconcerned by this lithe cutie in a semi state of self excitement. But I noticed. So I asked Nadiya back to my flat for a session of cock worship. Her eyes focused on me, and she followed me sheepishly and quietly back to my room. Hardly a sound, except when my penis was deep in her vagina. And then back down she went for some more oral satisfaction. I ejaculated into her open mouth. Half of my sperm slid down her throat. The other half, she dribbled out of her sweet mouth into her cupped hand, so that you can see it on video.
Story published 9-01-2014, 18:26, viewed 2847 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Pest

She has got a nice tattoo on her left tit and other one on her belly. Tattoos look good on Pest, cos she has got a fucking great figure, and if she can ever get the large fish tattoo on her back finished, it will come alive, each time she moves, the fish will sliver across her back. I think it a fish. Does not really matter, it is not finished, and Pest ran out of money to pay the tattoo artist. She did offer him sex to finish it, and so she gave him a good blow job, then he told her to fuck off and get him some money. So now she wants me to pay for it. Well I am quite pleased to fuck her, gorgeous little thing. I will even pay for her dinner, but I am afraid I don't go as far as artwork. Nice small tits but a right pest. Engrave the video.
Story published 2-01-2014, 13:22, viewed 3086 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Nuan

Another cheap hotel room with nothing on the television. At least the maid is here to clean the room. Wonder if she goes. She does look pretty bored with her job, I am sure I can liven up her life. Nice little country girl can suck my cock and open her creamy vagina. Call room service, watch the video.
Story published 26-12-2013, 14:12, viewed 2903 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin)
Story published 18-07-2013, 12:00, viewed 6824 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Slowmo Anal

Although everyone has fucked Slowmo, not everyone has been up her ass. So I asked my mate, 'Does your wife take it up the ass then?' He told me not to be so fucking filthy disgusting. So she brings me a cup of tea and some crispy wafer fingers and I ask her directly, "Slowmo darling, have you ever taken it up your bottom?" She picked up one of the wafer fingers, held it close to her mouth and said quietly so that her husband could not hear, "yeah, a little bit." "Do you like it then?" I asked. "You can do what you want." A little bit, no bollocks, her asshole was already filled up with someone else's sperm. It oozed and frothed out as I am banging away in her back passage. Did not stop me though. She has got my load up there now. Watch the video, have a wafer.
Story published 11-07-2013, 17:13, viewed 4661 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Broke

I know what to fuckin' look for in the red light district, a shy girl pretending to be a pro, one who looks innocent, but still wants a thrill. Some street girl slinks past with the right body language and glances my way. So I am on her before she has got any chance to think, I quickly go into my bullshit. As I talk, I stand close, breathing on her neck. I rub my hand up her ass cheek. Her eyes are large and her lips are moist, perfect for my disgusting intentions. Lick the video, to see how she got turned on, and see her true filthy character broke through.
Story published 9-07-2013, 13:56, viewed 2531 times and 0 comments left.
Anal, Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Udon Anal

Udon wants to find herself a good man to take care of her. So she keeps her body in excellent condition. She exercises daily, running and cycling. And she likes to be dominated and told what to do. 'I want to try anal sex,' she said, or some such bloody pidgin English equivalent, because she wants to practice, so that when she meets her 'good man,' she can please his dick so well that he won't want any other fucking tart. She fucking loves it, rubbing her clit as she takes it in her open rectum. Udon also sucks really slowly, and enjoys having a man dump sperm into her tender mouth. 'Can I swallow?' she asked sweetly. No, keep it in your mouth till you meet your next customer. And taste it too, have a good lick of the dick that has just been up your smelly sphincter bum hole. Put your tongue down her throat, and spit it out on the video.
Story published 8-07-2013, 15:00, viewed 4129 times and 0 comments left.
Teens, Asian (Autor: admin) - Ink Pad

Ink Pad comes from a good family, used to study hard and get good grades at school, and was friends with a local boy. When she discovered he had lots of girlfriends, she dropped him and started up with a foreign teacher. Her family called him a dirty foreigner, and dissuaded her from seeing him. This just alienated her from her family, and she grew closer to him, waiting for him to pick her up each evening. She believed she would eventually marry him, and loved him too much. After a few months, he started arriving with some rather rough looking friends. It turned out he owed a lot of money to them. She loved him, and agreed to help him if she could, although she herself did not have any money. So her life seamlessly changed from being respectable to hiring herself out to lowlife stinking beer breath foreigners, many with tattoos. Ink Pad never forgot her good upbringing, always smiled charmingly, and understood that a good tattoo should be as beautifully presented as a loving girl. She sucked off the tattoo artist in payment for her first tattoo. In fact, she has sucked him off a few times. Now she works competently on the street, and does not care about her old teacher boyfriend. She cares about any guy, dirty or smelly, so long as the appreciate her work of art figure.
Story published 7-07-2013, 14:38, viewed 3321 times and 0 comments left.
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