To even the average tourist, nearly everything walking around here with a pussy is a possible quick & easy sexual encounter. You can almost smell it in the air when you hit the outskirts of town riding in. I’m not sure why exactly, but even the apparent non-bargirls seem easier here. Maybe it’s because the “bargirl culture” has been so prominently and deeply engrained into everyday life here over the many years of its history as a “whore town”.
Tags: TrikePatrol, Mitch
Story published 25-12-2013, 14:04, viewed 2666 times and 0 comments left.
There’s nothing quite like Christmas in the Philippines. Here, the season basically begins in September. The music, the decorations and the cries of “where’s my Christmas?” from every bar-girl you meet, will overwhelm your eyes and ears for about 4 solid months. If you’re someone who hates Christmas, you should probably avoid coming here between September and January because you’re sure to get an overdose of it.
Tags: TrikePatrol, Sylvan
Story published 24-12-2013, 14:57, viewed 2490 times and 0 comments left.
If last week’s girl Marie was your typical small Pinay spinner type, this week’s chick has a body that is anything but. On a wet evening earlier this week I was out having dinner with some friends. While riding my motorbike—the 2-wheeled variety—on my way home, I spotted a tall drink of water off in the shadows of a closed-down shop. She had on this killer short dress and high heels making her look even more eye-catching from a distance.
Tags: TrikePatrol, Khate
Story published 21-12-2013, 16:41, viewed 2707 times and 0 comments left.
Just around the corner from my hotel is an area where Jeepneys stop frequently to pick-up and drop-off passengers coming out to the main strip from the side streets. I decided to stroll along there on my way home from visiting a friend to see if anything peaked my interest.
Tags: TrikePatrol, Shane
Story published 21-12-2013, 16:20, viewed 2474 times and 0 comments left.
Walking through the bustling main strip at night here is always a heart-pounding adventure and a treat for all five of a man’s senses. You’ve got the noisy honking trikes, roadside vendors selling all kinds of stuff, blinking neon lights, horny foreign guys on their way to & from the bars and GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS everywhere!
Tags: trikepatrol, altea
Story published 20-12-2013, 14:38, viewed 2446 times and 0 comments left.
Following in line with last week’s trend, this week’s episode features another girl I first met online; only this time, I met her through one of the Filipina dating sites, not referred from another. Her name was Jane, 18 years old, and studying at a college in Cebu. I was browsing through profiles on the site and her photo really struck me. What an adorable young lady; I had to try and talk to her!
Tags: trikepatrol, jane
Story published 20-12-2013, 14:06, viewed 3426 times and 0 comments left.