Story published 2-01-2014, 12:09, viewed 2738 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-01-2014, 11:32, viewed 2711 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 1-01-2014, 20:12, viewed 2287 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 1-01-2014, 19:42, viewed 1805 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 1-01-2014, 19:16, viewed 2257 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 1-01-2014, 18:59, viewed 2033 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 31-12-2013, 15:26, viewed 3713 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 31-12-2013, 15:02, viewed 3482 times and 0 comments left.
This nubile girl was working the Agogo scene and had one a brief story to share, she said she was going to school about three years ago and her Mom told her, "go work bar, you go make money, school take too long". So she started working the Agogo's and the rest is history. As we were sharing her lovely pink hole I could honestly say she had a strong pussy that could really take a beating. All the more fun. After a while my mate jumped out of her hole, and I said, "what happened?". He said that her pussy bit him. He proceeded to ram her and twice more he jumped out , with the last being the worse, "claiming she had a snapping pussy and swore he saw a beak". I told him just finish off and I'll take over. I was tentative at first not wanting to get hurt from a "snapping pussy". Her pussy was pure bliss and nothing ever materialized why I rode her sweet sugar walls in to oblivion and shot my load in her face. The next day I figured out by deduction that my mate got a scrape on his cock from her teeth, while he was shagging her his dick would stick at the wound on rare occasion but that would probably irritate it so it felt like a bite but it was just a wound being irritated. So not as good as a story as a "snapping pussy" but at least we got to the bottom of that one.
Tags: AsianCandyPop, Bank
Story published 31-12-2013, 14:11, viewed 3919 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 31-12-2013, 13:29, viewed 2795 times and 0 comments left.