Story published 3-08-2013, 14:45, viewed 3146 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 3-08-2013, 14:14, viewed 2322 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 3-08-2013, 13:38, viewed 2517 times and 0 comments left.

I can't remember a fucking thing. Two fit strumpets bobbing up and down on me plonker. My wallet is fucking empty, except for some slip of paper. That's all right, I aint got no fucking money anyway. I can't remember getting two birds back to my apartment, but I do have some vague recollections of getting insulted by two slappers in the street. But from what I recall, they were game enough for a good fuck. I could only fuck one of them at a time, only having one fucking dick, so both of them were fingering their own clitorises while waiting turn. So I have woken up with a fucking headache, and no food in the fridge. I am hungry. I wonder what those strumpets were called, I could do with another fuck soon. In the mean time, I could really get through a plate of vegetables and pork, but I aint got no fucking cash left. I am sure those girls have been at my wallet. What is that slip of paper then? Would you fucking believe it? It is their phone numbers. You can watch the video if you want, I am going to, to find out what happened.
Story published 3-08-2013, 12:13, viewed 2957 times and 0 comments left.

Guys, meet Am. She’s got a nice playful personality to her, kind of posh looking and has a beautiful face that anyone could love. The boys damn near ran this pretty Thai over in excitement while cruising in the TukTuk when she was spotted at the side of the road. The guys quickly thought of some place she could “show” them how to get to and once parked, came right out with the fabled question. “Sex then lunch?” (in so many words, that is). At first, she refused. I thought maybe this one would have walked off and the boys would have had to go hunting again but he pulled a little trick on her and got her to agree to his requests. Score! So off to the condo with Mr Nasty and Mr Nice she goes!
Story published 3-08-2013, 12:04, viewed 3376 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 3-08-2013, 10:22, viewed 4991 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-08-2013, 18:55, viewed 2729 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-08-2013, 15:33, viewed 2427 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-08-2013, 14:55, viewed 2899 times and 0 comments left.
Story published 2-08-2013, 12:28, viewed 3319 times and 0 comments left.